United Way fights for the health, education, and financial stability of every person in every community.
Connecticut United Ways recognize structural racism, ethnic discrimination and other forms of oppression have contributed to racial disparities that have existed in the past and persist in the present. We acknowledge those inequities are the result of systems, policies and practices that unfairly disadvantaged some people while providing an advantage to others in our communities.
We unequivocally denounce racism and ethnic discrimination in all forms, and we are committed to building a future of greater opportunity and true equity for all people living in our communities. We act by working together with all community members to eliminate the barriers that have impeded the equality for all people living in our communities. We act by working together with all community members to eliminate the barriers that have impeded the equality that all people deserve. Together, we co-create solutions that provide resources, support, opportunities and networks to facilitate change in our communities.
Connecticut United Way is commit to taking positive action to fight structural racism and ethnic discrimination by: eliminating structural barriers; holding ourselves and our community partners accountable; advocating for social justice; elevating community voice; engaging in further training to address our biases; and, practicing the change we seek to realize with a vision of a more equitable future for all.
For review and adoption by the board of director of the United Way of Northwest Connecticut
Statement from United Way’s Worldwide Board Chair and CEO on equity and access to justice
United Way believes that every person is entitled to be treated with dignity and respect – this includes equal treatment and access to justice. Recent events involving violence and threats against African Americans expose our society’s underlying racism, prejudice and privilege that prevent too many people from being treated with the humanity and respect they deserve. These incidents are abhorrent and run counter to everything that United Way, its volunteers and professionals value, live and fight for every day.
All people of all backgrounds and identities must call out discrimination and demand its removal from our society; otherwise, we are endorsing the status quo and are complicit in the abuses that follow.
We must all do our part, working United, to make our communities the places that we need them to be – equitable, respectful and opportunity-filled. We, as a society, can and must do better to guarantee that the basic human rights and freedoms of every person in every community are protected
Executive Director-Owen Quinn
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